Down to work! With shopping aside, everyone knows Milan is the city of fashion and that's what we're here for! So we focused on getting sexy dresses and tops for the store.The show is always cool. You'll see stuff that you won't see anywhere else. Like this Faux Boa Leather clad car.
The show itself is crazy it's like 20 Costcos! If we didn't know what we were doing it would take us 2 weeks to go through it all.
After the shows we got invited to this Club in the middle of nowhere. It's called Borgo Del Tempo. It's like an outdoor nightclub in the middle of some farm land. It's wild and crazy fun, with go-go dancers to boot. I've included the link if you want to go. When I was lining up to go to the washrooms there was lots of double action going on in the stalls. Yup crazy!