Vancouver recently unveiled it's Olympic mascots. There's a bear (I swear it was an eagle), Sasquatch and an orca. There was a poll immediately done and over half the respondents didn't like them. I saw the designer on TV and thought she was young. She was really nervous being interviewed.
Can you imagine working so hard on something and immediately after showing your work being told that more than 50% of people didn't like your designs? I felt bad for her.
Many of the respondents thought they looked like Japanese anime. They do have a cuteness about them that doesn't seem to originate from Vancouver. My experience with the Tokidoki frenzy of last year immediately made me think of their designs. You can probably pick out a few characters on the right that look similar to the mascots.I like our mascots! When you look at some of the previous Olympic mascots you'll even appreciate ours even more. On the left is the 2006 Torino mascots... a snowball and a block of ice.
All this mascot talk is making me think that the store should get one too. Perhaps it should be a dog, plush toy, Britney... Something fun!