Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Runway Canada Get Away

I wasn't planning to blog about the Canadian edition of Project Runway anymore but this last episode was the most bearable of the season.

The challenge this week was to understand the jet-set, luxury and resort wear. So guess what fabulous location they got to. Drum roll please.... Southern France! Sadly no, they got sent to Southern California. The Hyatt Regency in Huntington Beach to be exact. Yes that resort destination of choice for the rich and famous. Oh you don't know where that is? It's like a an hour and half drive south from downtown LA, past Long Beach... past the docks. Yup they really splurged on the accommodations.

They showed Mood's LA store downtown. I'm very familiar with the area so it was a bit neat to see the 'hood. Nick Verreos from season 2 of Project Runway was the guest to meet them in LA. When he introduced himself he paused awkwardly, almost as if he wasn't sure if the designers would recognize him. Nick we all love and recognize you!

I swear he was channeling Tim Gunn. He had a really good mentoring vibe with a witty banter to boot. Brian Bailey should be taking notes. I hope Project Runway (any of the editions) can find more work for him. I would love to see more from Nick! The work space used was at the FIDM - The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. The school is located close to Mood, so it's nice and close to where all the action is (unlike their hotel). BTW Lauren Conrad from (The Hills) is supposed to be a student there too. I wonder if Nick has ever instructed her?

OMG on their return to Toronto, the best moment of this entire series happened at the work space. Stephen was freakin' unbelievable with his fierce runway walk at the studio. Stephen's walk and Nick Verreos appearance has been the two best things in the series so far.

Tyra Banks would be proud. Fierce!