Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tyra leaving next Top Model, bitch slaps Jay

I just read this article on MSNBC about Tyra Banks possibly leaving Next Top Model. The rumours have it that:

  • After having Clinton and Barrack on, she's feeling all Oprahish and wants to concentrate on her talk show.
  • Tyra and Jay aren't speaking an insider says. No they haven't actually bitch slapped each other but I would pay money to see that! I'd like Jay to win but I think Tyra would fight dirty.
  • Apparently she barely interacts with the contestants at all and only wants to show up for the judging.
This doesn't surprise me as I've felt that she's been phoning in her performances since the show left NYC the first time (pre-talk show). The show would benefit from a more hands on host. A little more Paulina anyone!?!?