Saturday, February 16, 2008

Vegas Baby!

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I just got back into town. Kat, my assistant manager and I were attending the Magic/Pool/Project tradeshow in Vegas. It was a great show with lots of exciting brands and items for Fall 2008 season. I've taken so many pictures that I'm gonna have to do multiple posts to encompass everything we did.

The crazy highlight of the trip was this wicked sandstorm that had us literally crouched down in the middle of Vegas strip with dirt and debris swirling around us. People were screaming and I literally felt lifted off the ground a few times. We stayed prone like that for over 10 minutes, when the wind didn't stop we made a mad dash to safety. Once safely indoors we realized we were covered head to toe in sand. Some of it was pebble sized! We were tired, so we spent some time in a Brookstone on one of their massage chairs. The vibrations and massaging must have shaken a lot of the sand that was on us loose. The chair was covered in dirt! I felt like Pigpen from a Charlie Brown cartoon.